Functional Health Practitioner & Integrative Pharmacist


your health.


How can I help you make the most of your body? Using a process completely customized to you! I learn about you and your symptoms, I then use lifestyle modification and unique tests to target the cause. Creating a plan of action and completing a series of consultations, I will work to improve you and your life!

Let's Focus on You

How can I help you?

With the options below, I can customize a health plan to work through your symptoms and optimize the way your body functions. The ultimate benefit of this is improved aging with minimal symptoms.

Functional Medicine Consult

Experiencing symptoms such as gas, bloating, fatigue and sleep issues and not getting answers? A health consult allows me to provide personalized healthcare to address underlying causes of disease and provide a way for you to live your best life.


A pharmacogenomics test is a tool I can use to learn about your DNA and variations that may affect how you process a medication. This allows me to minimize side effects and maximize effectiveness. A quick cheek swab can provide me with guidance on over 200 medications. 


A nutrigenomics test, similar to a pharmacogenomics test, can help me target nutritional needs of your body with a quick cheek swab. Benefits can include weight loss and increased energy.


Do you know if you’re protected? Antioxidants are your first line of defense against harmful substances such as air pollution, cigarette smoke, stress, and sun pollution. How do you know if you have enough? The Biophotonic scanner provides a painless reading of the palm of your hand in one minute.

Not sure where to go next with your healthcare? Let’s talk.

With an in-depth medication review and assessment, I can help your body get what it needs. Here are a few things you can expect from me:


  • Customized exam based on your needs
  • Extensive one-on-one time with no interruptions
  • Detailed information on what your results mean to you
  • Check for drug interactions and how genes can affect the drugs.
    *A standard report from the lab will not provide all of this.

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Join us starting this week (in person or via zoom) and get a jump start to feeling your best. Start feeling your best before summer starts! Call Lagom Wellness Clinic or message me for info!#healthyliving #loseweight #feelbetter ... See MoreSee Less
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4 key signs you lack of magnesium may be affecting your energy1. You have a hard time “turning your brain off”2.You can’t sleep through the night3.You are often constipated4. You often have headachesGive me a 🙋 if this describes your experience…exactly!#functionalmedicine #holistichealth #magnesium ... See MoreSee Less
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Gentle reminder…You deserve a solution to exhaustion not more ways to live with the problemI would love to help you get there…If you are ready to put aside everything that doesn’t work and start doing what does work, post READY below and then watch for a DM from me.#funcationalmedicine #holistichealth #readytochange ... See MoreSee Less
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DISCLAIMER: Information provided by PharmD Integrative Health is for informational purposes only and should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of – and an ongoing relationship with – an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. No changes in your prescriptions or dosages should be made without your physician’s knowledge and consent. Please consult your physician if you have health questions or concerns.